Thursday, July 2, 2009

Incredible Hulk

Like its namesake, Incredible Hulk is a concoction of everything that is strong and green. This particular recipe is fantastic for those who have constipation problems or ‘allergy’ to leafy vegetables. Do not be frightened by the dark green colour. It actually tastes really nice and creamy.

1 stalk of Celery
1 Green Apple
½ cup of yogurt
½ cup of Prune Juice
a handful of Wheatgrass
(or you can substitute wheatgrass with a tablespoon of chlorophyll liquid)

A glass of Incredible Hulk every morning will not only ease your bowel movements, but cure those with constipation and at the same time break down the build-up of fatty tissues blocking the liver, gallbladder and throughout the intestines. It is also good on the kidneys and will help eliminate body’s waste through the urine.

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